Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Solo Racquetball

One ball, one racquet, four walls, a ceiling, a hardwood floor and one person, solo racquet ball. It is about about getting into the flow. People talk about the flow all the time. The act of trying to make sure the ball bounces only once before you hit it causes you to relax your mind and embrace the simple act of hitting a rubber ball against a wall.

Clear your head of all the todos and problems. Just be in that moment.



  1. Sounds like a great way to gain fitness.

    How often do you play?

  2. Thank you for the comment.
    I don't have a schedule if I have time. I go in and play so it has been only a few times.

    The fitnes comment is right on. I typically do not enjoy excersise except for mountain biking, Racquetball, snow skiing, waterskiing, I guess running and walking as well.
